700 Washington Street | Canton, MA | 02021
Parish Office 781-828-0090 | Email: welcome@cantoncatholic.org
700 Washington Street | Canton, MA | 02021
Parish Office 781-828-0090 | Email: welcome@cantoncatholic.org
Sojourner House is a shelter for families who require transitional housing. Saint Oscar Romero's Youth ministry works to bring some happiness to these families living in less fortunate situations.
A special thanks to everyone on the Sojourner House Committee who works so hard all year to provide the families with some joy and very fun times away from their daily worries.
Sojourner House events typically take place from 5pm to 9pm. Some events take place in the lower church hall, and some are involve on adventures!
Want to Get Involved? If you want to attend planning meetings for events and be involved, call a Committee Head to get on our list! Thank you.
Frances Chung | Ashton Joyce
Friday, March 14th
Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm
8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm & 5:00pm
St. Oscar Romero Parish:
St. Oscar Romero Parish Church | 700 Washington St., Canton, MA 02021
Administrative Office
Faith Formation Office 781-828-5130
St. John the Evangelist School
696 Washington St., Canton, MA 02021
Saint Mary Cemetery
Randolph St., Canton, MA 02021
Barbara McKenney | 781-828-0090 x311