700 Washington Street | Canton, MA | 02021
Parish Office 781-828-0090 | Email: welcome@cantoncatholic.org
700 Washington Street | Canton, MA | 02021
Parish Office 781-828-0090 | Email: welcome@cantoncatholic.org
Every person has a gift to offer our parish community! If you are a child in grade 4 or higher, you can serve as an altar server at Masses in our parish community.
Altar Servers assist the priest as he presides over our prayer at Mass. Some of an Altar Serve's dutuies are to:
Most importantly, an altar sever is an example of faith and prayer to other children (and to adults!) by their prayerful presence at Mass. By sharing their time and talent with the rest of the parish, an altar server shows how much God is a part of their life.
Altar servers are asked to serve at Mass about once a month (sometimes more frequently) or at seasonal celebrations such as Christmas and Easter Masses. In order to be prepared and to feel comfortable in this role, a server would need to attend some training sessions. New servers are always scheduled with more experienced servers who will continue to show the new server the ropes.
We are very appreciative of the service that our altar servers offer to our parish community.
Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm
8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm & 5:00pm
St. Oscar Romero Parish:
St. Oscar Romero Parish Church | 700 Washington St., Canton, MA 02021
Administrative Office
Faith Formation Office 781-828-5130
St. John the Evangelist School
696 Washington St., Canton, MA 02021
Saint Mary Cemetery
Randolph St., Canton, MA 02021
Barbara McKenney | 781-828-0090 x311