700 Washington Street | Canton, MA | 02021
Parish Office 781-828-0090 | Email: welcome@cantoncatholic.org
700 Washington Street | Canton, MA | 02021
Parish Office 781-828-0090 | Email: welcome@cantoncatholic.org
St. Oscar Romero
We hope you will join us for Mass as we listen to God’s Word and share in the Eucharist.
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am* | 10:00am*
12:00pm | 5:00pm
* Coffee and Donuts after Mass in the lower church hall
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday - Saturday 9:00am
preceded by Daily Rosary at 8:30am
Saturday at 3:15pm before the 4:00pm Mass
Click on the image above to learn more about the Pilgrimage to Italy.
Parish Cookout - The Parish Cookout took place on Sunday. August 18 at the Parish Center, where parishioners enjoyed hamburgers and hot dogs prepared by the Canton Council 2095 of the Knights of Columbus. The event was organized by members of the Parish Council, and the Canton Catholic Women's Club generously contributed to the food for the event. It was a wonderful occasion that allowed us to enjoy some time with our fellow parishioners in a casual and friendly environment as the summer comes to a close.
Kids Camp 2024 — An amazing week with 776 campers, around 300 high school counselors, and about 80 Junior Counselors
made for a lively and engaging environment. It was quite a fun experience for all!
We encourage our parishioners to sign-up for Online Giving during this time. It’s an easy, safe and convenient way to contribute to your parish. Click on the green button on the right to find out how to sign-up.
We truly are grateful for the generosity of parishioners. God Bless!
Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm
8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm & 5:00pm
St. Oscar Romero Parish:
St. Oscar Romero Parish Church | 700 Washington St., Canton, MA 02021
Administrative Office
Faith Formation Office 781-828-5130
St. John the Evangelist School
696 Washington St., Canton, MA 02021
Saint Mary Cemetery
Randolph St., Canton, MA 02021
Barbara McKenney | 781-828-0090 x311